Small Business Counselor

Atlanta, GA
November 25, 2024
Application ends: May 25, 2025
Apply Now
Deadline date:
May 25, 2025

Job Description

Major Responsibilities: Include, but are not limited to:

• Assist in the outreach and recruitment of program participants; screen and assess interested individuals for program eligibility and participation.

• Provide one-on-one business counseling and management assistance to new and existing small businesses in all areas of business start-up and expansion.

• Lead training programs on a variety of topics including business operations, accessing loans and capital, marketing and sales, taxes, and more.

• Data entry in IRC and other mandated data systems to log client information, service delivery, and key outcomes such as changes in revenue and job creation.

• Ensure that information required for program eligibility and reporting purposes is collected and that accurate records are maintained, including case files and client data entry across multiple databases.

• Assist entrepreneurs to become ready for business financing through preparation of loan applications, business plans, and financial statements.

• Underwrite and package loan applications and present them for review to the IRC’s CDFI and/or other lenders.

• Proactively facilitate referrals to outside service providers as necessary to meet the diverse needs of the program participants.

• Conduct individual case management and loan collections, including “off-site” technical assistance visits to the businesses or homes of program participants.

• Assist in the planning and coordination of training activities and special events, especially in partnership with SBA Centers and Resource Partners, municipal small business events, and similar activities.

• Develop outreach materials and assist with communication to community and partners.

• May train and lead activities of support staff, volunteers, and interns.

• Attend regularly scheduled meetings with other IRC staff and volunteers as part of the review, evaluation, and program maintenance process.

• Other duties as assigned.


Company Name
International Rescue Committee